It's the last day of the year, also known as the day where everyone will post so called reflective tweets and Facebook updates on how the past 365 days have been for them. It's good to see that the majority have managed to rise above the small and big bumps life dished out and man, were there some pretty massive bumps for some.
I took a look at this picture again dated 20th December 2010 of my bedroom wall in the house I used to share with Lynda. I'd just painted the wall with chalkboard paint and was busy that week filling it up with silly drawings of things.
I remember stumbling upon it sometime mid this year while I was sifting through iPhoto and it was like being hit with a blast of Carebear rainbow power. This photo never fails to remind me that we are but limited to our own self imposed perceptions. You never really think of buying a house because you're not earning that kind of money yet. Backpacking around Europe for a couple of months is something only other people do. You entertain the idea of starting your own restaurant but it's just a little fantasy you escape to when work sucks.
Nothing is impossible. Think of buying that house and you will earn that kind of money. Start planning for Europe and pretty soon you'll have your route and plane tickets in hand. Research on starting a restaurant and before you know it, you're already sourcing out for equipment and furniture.
2011 has taught me like never before that previous experiences are but an excuse for what you think you cannot do. Challenge yourself and push the walls of your comfort zone and you'll find that you can be a faster, smarter, richer, better... whatever you want to be.
Next year, which is only 4 hours away, my goal is to challenge myself to 365 days of good deeds. I believe that if I condition myself to do something helpful everyday, soon it will come as second nature to help.
Thank you for the precious moments, incredible people, invaluable lessons and tattooed memories, Miss 2011. I did it this year and I will do it better in 2012. #swag :)
For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
~T.S. Eliot, "Little Gidding"