I have hit an all time low in the personal finance department. In my pocket now I have 40 centimos and nothing else. I can't put my finger on how this is making me feel. But it's close to how I felt the time when I was 10, waking up knowing that I had a terribly messy accident in my pyjama pants, and I just laid in bed for 5 minutes with this awful feeling of dread because I didn't know what to do.
I swear I had USD$100 stashed somewhere for emergency and last night I thought I'd just admire it for a bit, you know, just to get me the warm fuzzy feeling that money sometimes can give. After frantically searching everywhere, the $100 bill remained elusive. Never mind. No point worrying about money.
In my wallet was S100 that I have yet to break. There wasn't a need before because I barely spend money here. But because the Benjamin Franklin shaped hole in my heart was getting bigger, I went and had some drinks at Mamacha to numb the ache. It's all good, I told myself. I have 50 soles left which is more than enough to last the weekend if I don't party too much. Tomorrow I'll just go over to the bank and get some cash out.
Then as I was walking home from the bar, this black scrawny thing happened...
It's all skin and bones, crawling with fleas and ugly as hell. It followed me home so what I could I do but let it in?
Thankfully, Maricarmen said it could stay while I look for a permanent home for Feo. In the meantime I will have to take him to the vet (because we wouldn't want any of the other house pets getting sick) and buy him some tuna to flatten him up. Sorry, I mean fatten.
So there you have it. No tengo dinero. Google translate that.
Happy happy joy joy! I also found out that my credit cards and bankcard are not working.
hi, i got to your blog through Khairie's recent blog post. It's really cool to read about what your up to,etc. i just thought i'd share this random idea with you,if you ever get too broke to move about, you could consider participating with http://www.wwooflatinamerica.com/ , contribute to organic farms in exchange for a place and meals.there are organic farms scattered all across SA. Good luck!